

TFA is a french team based in the south of France.

The team count 3 members, all currently in 2 years of highschool.

4nh4ck1n3 βš’οΈ

Currently a student in BTS SIO SISR (Vaucluse), I am passionate about CTF, pentesting, and Star Wars πŸš€.

I love everything about active directory & Web, but I still need to improve. Next year, I hope to be able to join ESNA 🀞.

Certified: eJPT, Dante, Zephyr

Current goal: Preparing to take the OSCP exam in September.

CTF Platformes :

Talace 🌌

Student in web development, in the south of France.

Jump in the world of cyber since few month ago. Start by learning with THM then RootMe and finally with HTB.

Certified: eJPT

Current goal: Finish the Dante prolabs and get the OSCP in september

Hard work, grind, obsession that’s what only count for me.

And always remember, you are cool

CTF Platformes & Others: